Tuesday 14 April 2015

A Family Recipe for Friendship

My husband and I were both feeling ill last week and unable to eat anything of substance.  A long time friend and his wife showed up at the door with a quart of home made turkey soup. It was delicious and just what we needed to soothe our poor sick tummies.  When we called to thank them again,


Friday 3 April 2015

What Does the Nicene Creed Mean To Us Today?

This is an excerpt from “How to Judge and Not be A Jerk”
I was speaking to a Comparative Religions Class at a local university on the topic of the early church councils. Much of the early debate of our spiritual ancestors revolved around the nature of Christ. Councils were called to settle


How to Overcome an Orphan Spirit

Many of our views of abundance come from an orphan or wounded spirit.
Matthew 6 Jesus is teaching his sermon on the mount. A big part of chapter 6 deals with why we shouldn’t worry, specifically about money. Jesus is addressing the orphan spirit that many of us have. It’s allows us to worry


Thursday 2 April 2015

Why WordPress Is a Great Blogging Option

Are you having trouble deciding which blogging platform is right for you and your business? If you’re looking for an easily customizable and user friendly option, look no further than WordPress.
What WordPress Has to Offer
WordPress offers easily customizable templates with many of templates


Understanding The Key of Blessing Boundaries

I’ve got some questions for you to consider:
Have you planted much but harvested little? Do you eat but never have enough? Do you drink but not to your fill? Do you put on clothes but are not warm? Do you earn wages but put them into a purse with holes? Have you expected much but have seen it


What’s In It For the Other Person?

Have you ever thought about what’s in it for the other person? Honestly, I think that all the time, but I can’t say I think about it the right way.
I’m looking for the angle, the purpose the “why”. It could be that I’ve been conned before - I have, more times than I’d care to


Wednesday 1 April 2015

How Can God Consist of Three gods?

I've received a number of great questions from a Muslim reader who seems genuinely interested in finding out more about Christianity. I'm humbled to be asked these questions and I've taken my time to answer them the best I can. Here is the first one. 
I don't understand how God can


Why Don't Christians Include the Gospel of Barnabas?

Why don’t the Christians include the gospel of Barnabas?
We need to first understand how the Bible came to be, what the Gospel of Barnabas is, and how it relates to both the Bible and the Qur’an.
First off, the Bible was codified in stages. The Hebrew scriptures were


Is Mohamed Mentioned in the Bible?

Is Mohamed mentioned in the Bible?
Mohamed was alive six hundred years after Jesus and three hundred years after the Bible was codified. So the only way he’d be included would be in a prophecy.
Now I know the Gospel of Barnabas has Jesus prophesying Mohamed was to come,