Thursday 27 November 2014

What to do when satan is talking to you

Here's another question from a RevTrev Reader that I had my friend Cheryl of Edmonton Counselling Services help me answer.

Cheryl helps me to answer a very interesting question I got. She shows her wisdom working with hurting people. This is an episode you don't want to


Learn from Daniel

Here's a guest post from Sigbjorn Heier. He's a great guy to get to know. Be sure to check out his blog. If you're like to guest post on find out how at
 What we can learn from Daniel
As we mention Daniel most people associate his name with


Wednesday 26 November 2014

Part 6 - Can you trust Bible translations?

I'm continuing the series "Did God Really Say". I have more videos on the way. In this video we look at if we can trust the Bible translations. I get a lot of comments on this topic on Twitter, so let's be clear… I have not translated any translation and if I did I would likely change a few


Blessing Boundaries Can Be for a Geographical Location

Did you know God can command us to go to a certain place and limit his greater blessing to that place? The most obvious example of this in Scripture is the promised land. God promised Abraham that the land he walked upon would be for his descendants.

We also see when the children of Israel


How to Install WordPress

If you’ve decided to use WordPress as your blog platform, congratulations! You’ve made a wise decision. Let’s jump right into how to start using this amazing blog platform to build your business or ministry by looking at the first step, installing WordPress.

Visit (Note,


Tuesday 25 November 2014

Mature churches fail because they forget why they were born

You might have noticed that you haven't heard from me much this year. I'm preparing to launch my coaching services at Simon Sinek and there is a lot to do get things done.

I wanted to send a quick newsletter out because I have had some amazing guest posts on that I didn't want you


7 Steps to Loving Gay People In Your Church

This is a guest post by Peter Guirguis of If you haven't seen the awesome things he does on Facebook and his'd really enjoy checking it out. You can find all his links on his site. He has a special gift for you so read all the way down to his


Who is a RevTrev Reader?


As I'm launching my coaching business through I've really focused on who it is that God is leading me to work with. We call this the avatar. You can probably tell by the name of the site who I'm focusing on.

I know I want to coach people who are


Monday 24 November 2014


 I'm looking for authors who will provide amazing content for our online magazine.  Please adhere to the submission guidelines.

If you have a ministry or service to Christians this is a powerful resource for you.

We get great content, the chance to contribute and a back link from


What most people won't tell you about gratitude

With the technology available at Beaumont Community Church, I am able to offer three options for you with this message. You can listen, watch the slides or read it.
Listen Now to Why Thanksgiving is so Essential

Watch Why Thanksgiving is so Essential

Watch Why Thanksgiving is Essential on


Blessings Boundaries Can Be For A Vocation

God has given you gifts, He has given you talents, He has given you passion, He’s given you the aptitude to learn skills. He’s blessed you with the ability to create wealth with who He’s created you to be (Deuteronomy 8:18).

Probably the easiest example to show from Scripture for


Sunday 23 November 2014

How do you stay encouraged?

Last day of the first month of 2013…ever wonder how quick this year will go? My experience as I get older is the that the years go by quicker. One of my mentors…my uncle has a theory that says, "When your six years old a year is 1/6th of your life. When your 60 it's 1/60th. That's why summer


3 Ways to Monetize Your Blog

Blogging provides you with a unique tool to communicate. And while creating an online identity and blogging as that person, company or ministry image can be great fun, it can also be profitable. (And making money is certainly fun!)

Here are just a few ways you can monetize your blog:


The Kingdom Social Media Exchange is upgraded!

The Kingdom Social Media Exchange has been upgraded. It took some time to figure out the hacks to the system I needed to make to have it work for us all. When you click on the link you're going to see something strange happen.

You'll be taken to the full install of the Social Media Exchange.


Saturday 22 November 2014

4 easy ways to overcome discouragement

I don't know for sure what's going to happen.
Hello once more,


It's been another week of learning a lot. For me that means there has been many issues I've had to figure out how to manage. (I learn the most by making mistakes...and yes, I know a lot.)


First off, if you


Twitter Secrets

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Twitter Secrets

#frb_text_1652779314, #frb_text_1652779314 *{}
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Tuesday 18 November 2014

20 Awesome Animal Photos

Check out 20 perfectly timed animal shots. Taken with high precision but most of the time just lucky shots. Animal photography at it’s best, at least in a fun way..

- coolphoto


Image Credit: Igor Siwanowicz

Image Credit:

Image Credit:

Image Credit:


How to share your faith or start a conversation about Jesus without speaking

Here's a guest post from Corey Alderin. He has a great idea for all of us. Check out his site today. The links are in his bio below.
Sharing your faith and the message of Jesus is something all Christians have been called to do (Mathew 28:16-20). But there are many reasons and challenges that


What are some of the benefits of coaching?

As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

The coach offers insight, clarity and powerful questions in order to guide the coaching partner in the direction the coaching partner wants to go. Coaching


Monday 17 November 2014

Is coaching the same as consulting?

What are some of the benefits of Coaching?As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

Coaching and consulting are very different things. Although often a coach is expected to be a consultant. A


Is coaching the same as consulting?

What are some of the benefits of Coaching?As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

Coaching and consulting are very different things. Although often a coach is expected to be a consultant. A


How to Agree With God About your Vocation

It starts with agreeing with God. This is something I’m learning. I’ve written out a declaration that I say out loud at least once a day. I use it to change my thinking. I use it to agree with God. If angels are listening in, wondering what to do, I let them hear my agreement with God.



Is coaching the same as counselling?

Is coaching the same as counselling? As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

I have done a lot of counselling over the years and towards coaching in much of it. I hold you capable. I know you


Sunday 16 November 2014

Love Long, Love Deep

It must have happened 6 or 7 years ago. We were invited to get a personal prophecy from someone who was in town. I don't know what you think about personal prophecy. I'm not sure I have a strong opinion on it any longer. I've learned the more I pursue the prophetic words I feel are for me, the


Is coaching the same as mentoring?

As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

I've done a lot of mentoring and the process has a lot of similarities to coaching. For one, in both I try to work myself out of a job. Another similarity


8 Tips To Have A Success Blog

It’s not enough to simply have a blog, your blog needs to have some sort of impact – you want to stand out – so you attract readers, subscribers and ultimately reach your goal.

Here are a few tips to make sure your blog is the best it can be:
Tip #1 – Be personable.
Each blog post


Saturday 15 November 2014

Will I always need a coach?

What are some of the benefits of Coaching?As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

If I do my job correctly. You'll be trained to self-coach your way to any goal within three months. I do not


How long does a coach work with a coaching partner?

What are some of the benefits of Coaching?As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

I generally work with a coaching partner for 3 months. In that time I train you to coach yourself. I do offer a


What are some typical reasons a person works with a coach?

What are some typical reasons a person works with a coach? As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

Here are some typical reasons someone starts working with a coach.

Something might be at


Friday 14 November 2014

How does More Than A Bucket List coaching work?

As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

For this question I'm going to assume it's the practical application of my coaching process, not the psychology behind the coaching movement. I'll answer


It is a new season...

It is a new season in this part of the world.

I know the calendar says winter starts December's just not reality in my part of Canada.


We're sitting about 15 degrees (celsius) below our normal temperatures and thanking God the wind isn't blowing (that's when


The Bible: is it still relevant today?

Here's a guest post from LoveRealm. It covers a question I'm passionate about answering. See my series of videos on this topic here. Read their thoughts below.
“In a hundred years from now the Bible would have passed into the mists of history as people became more liberated and


Thursday 13 November 2014

How do you measure the success of a coaching program?

As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

You're going to see the success of your coaching program because you'll set the goals you want to reach and how you'll know you're successful in reaching


Why is coaching over the phone so effective?

As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

Yes, I do all my coaching over the phone. It allows me to record our conversation (with your permission) and take notes. Both of these you'll receive to


How to have impossible joy

Impossible joy is a message I spoke at Highway Christian Centre this week. Tell me what you think in the comments.

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Watch Impossible Joy on YouTube

Subscribe to RevTrevTV on YouTube

Do you know of a church that needs pulpit supply? I'd be happy to be find out


Wednesday 12 November 2014

Social Media Exchange Introduction has been updated and is open for new users who want to share their links with other Christians for other christians and to expand the Kingdom. Watch this video for best practices.


Why are the coaching sessions usually 50 minutes long?

As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

50 minutes on the phone is the optimum time for you to get the most benefit from the conversation we have. Many people find it is difficult to focus for


Why are the coaching sessions usually 50 minutes long?

As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

50 minutes on the phone is the optimum time for you to get the most benefit from the conversation we have. Many people find it is difficult to focus for


Has God Called You To the Work You're Doing?

Has God called you to work you’re doing? It’s not just pastors who are ordained for a vocation.
Are you experiencing His blessing in your work?
Don’t think I’m asking you “Is it easy?” Do you feel His pleasure on you as you do what you do as “unto the Lord?”
Are you passionate


Tuesday 11 November 2014

Why does coaching work so well?

As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

Coaching works because the coach guides the coaching partner to come up with their own solutions versus telling them what to do. The coach helps the


Does coaching work for everyone?

As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

Coaching can work for everyone if they are willing to be accountable for their behaviors and intentions. Coaching partners have to want to change inside and


How to know if a coach is the right coach for you

As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

An effective coach for one person may not be a good match for another. Personal chemistry is important. I personally do not offer to work with people I'm


Monday 10 November 2014

Easy ways to enjoy life with your wife

Like 86.5% of men who where honest enough to answer the survey truthfully…I've been running around today trying to get things together to surprise my wife on Valentine's Day. I can't say much now because she could read this before I can surprise her. I thought I'd use this newsletter to give


What is a complimentary coaching call?

As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

Some people assume a complimentary call is a free coaching call. For me…it's so much more.

Yes, it's complimentary as in it DOES NOT cost you any


3 Tips to Search Engine Optimize Your Blog

Blogs need traffic to be successful otherwise it’s just an online journal for you and a few stragglers to enjoy. Not to worry, optimizing blogs for the search engines is a straightforward and fairly systematic process. You just need a plan and a bit of patience.

Search engines love blogs


Sunday 9 November 2014

How do I get a complimentary call with a coach?

As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

I only make the time to give out up to 5 complimentary calls a week. I want these to be for people who will benefit the most by them. I give priority to


Find out all about the 2013 fast from negativity is the place to find all the links and resources you need to have a successful 40 day fast from negativity this lent.


Can I hire a coach for a short-term or special project?

As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

Of course! Want to finish writing a book or are you preparing to run a marathon? Maybe you're ready to launch a business or product, learn a new language or


Saturday 8 November 2014

How can I have other coaching questions answered for me?

As a coach at More Than A Bucket List I know people have questions about coaching. This is one of them and so here's my response to it.

If you have questions about trying to find your goals or how to simplify your life or launch into a new career or path in life, I'd appreciate hearing about


How we gained 5000 more Facebook fans with $10.00 (A personal testimony)

This is a guest blog post from LoveRealm. It's a great testimony to share. I'm more focussed on Twitter than Facebook, but I do see the value of connecting with people on it. Check out what happened without traditional Social Media Marketing.

I know this may sound counterintuitive, but I dare


Coaching Options at

In this short video I outline the types of coaching available at to suit peoples time, finance, flexibility, accountability and encouragement needs.
Watch the Video
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Watch Coaching Options at on YouTube

Subscribe to


Friday 7 November 2014

Blessing Boundaries Can Be for a Season

Blessing boundaries can be for a season. It says in the book of Acts:
One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.” So Paul stayed


6 Core Principles For Combating Fear

What are you afraid of?

Let's be honest here for a moment. (Don't you like it when people say that? It sounds like they aren't honest for the rest of the moments.) But seriously, if you want to develop a life changing mindset, you have to stand up and face your fears.

More than likely, the


137 places to ping your blog

In blogging, ping is an XML-RPC-based push mechanism by which a weblog notifies a server that its content has been updated It’s a powerful tool that tells other websites “I’ve put something new on, come check it out!”

Here are the 137


Thursday 6 November 2014

How To Maintain Weight Loss After Losing Weight

I don't know if you know this, but I've been on a diet this year. I'm doing quite well on it for some really important reasons. I'm pretty amazed someone offered  a guest post on the topic I've been wondering about - how to maintain your weight after losing it. Be sure to check out Julian's


How to win people for the Kingdom...even when they don't know you care

How to win people for the Kingdom...even when they don't know you care.  Here's the message I shared at Highway Christian Centre last Sunday. It's a challenge for all of us, so let me know if you're offended in any way. That's what the comments are for.

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Group Coaching at

In this short video I compare group coaching to the other coaching options at
Watch the Video
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Watch Group Coaching at on YouTube

Subscribe to MoreThanABucketList on YouTube

Check out the Coaching Steps to find


Wednesday 5 November 2014

Blessing Boundaries Cannot Be Imposed

The proverbs tell us:
Don’t wear yourself out trying to get rich.
 Be wise enough to know when to quit.
 In the blink of an eye wealth disappears,
 for it will sprout wings
 and fly away like an eagle. Proverbs 23:4-5 (New Living Translation)
How many times have you been


How to transform your fears and achieve your dreams without them

Thank you to all those who caught the typo in my last newsletter…it's great to know people are reading it. Knowing I made that mistake last week might explain why I didn't send this one out so early today. There is a lot to get to…so let's get at it.
How to transform your fears and achieve


5 ways to successfully market your blog

A blog without an audience operates in a void. To grow an audience you do need to have some degree of patience. However, in addition to patience, planning and action also help to market your blog and drive traffic.

Here are a few useful tips to market your blog successfully:
#1 Comment on


Tuesday 4 November 2014

Knowing God's call

Here is a guest post from Silas Eke. It's one you'll right to consider. Be sure to check out his site below and leave your comments below.

Isaiah 6:1-13

“In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the


Personal One-On-One Coaching at

In this short video I compare Personal One-On-One Coaching to the other coaching options at
Watch the Video
[imaioVideo v=1]

Watch Personal One-On-One Coaching at on YouTube

Subscribe to MoreThanABucketList on YouTube

Check out


How to easily guest post on

Do you to connect with more amazing people? Are you writing to people who are readers of Do you want to get exposure to my expansive social network? Here's how to can submit your guest blog post to me.

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Do you want to guest post? Check out the


Monday 3 November 2014

Still waiting for the other shoe to drop?

Welcome to another edition of RevTrev News. If this is your first, great! Welcome! If you've been getting them a while, thanks for all the comments and encouragement. I appreciate your prayers and am praying for you. Let me know if I answer a question you have or pray more specifically for


How to easily Guest Blog at LOVES guestbloggers. Submit your posts at In this video I show you the best practices and the things I'll appreciate.


This is really cool... least I think it's really cool.

Clay Colins of has named one of my landing pages as one of his top favourite landing page designs from last week.

He's asking people to comment on his blog which one they like best. Mine is up against some stiff


Sunday 2 November 2014

Trials and Tribulations

This is a guest post by Robert Russo He brings some good thoughts to consider. I've tried to answer similar questions people have in the post Is God Punishing Haiti? I know people struggle with this a lot, so be sure to leave your questions and comments below.
Many believers feel that when


eCoaching at

In this short video I compare eCoaching to the other coaching options at
Watch the Video
[imaioVideo v=1]

Watch eCoaching at on YouTube

Subscribe to MoreThanABucketList on YouTube

Check out the Coaching Steps to find out more


How to win the hiding and the hostile is the place to sign up for this training. Why not go there now?


Saturday 1 November 2014

Thank you from

Thanks for signing up at There are two things we can do to connect even more...


New Training Available: How to Win the Hostile and Hiding

I'm so happy I can announce a new training for people who have friends and loved ones who were once active with God, but now seem to have fallen away.

We all people like this. Is is enough for us just to pray for them, or is a bolder step possibly necessary?

Find out what I believe and


Want to Discover More About Who is a RevTrev Reader?

Welcome to everyone who signed up this week at Thank you for joining this amazing community. For all my readers who have missed it, I have a short survey  I'd really appreciate you taking a couple minutes to fill out. I'm working on focusing on what my readers want,