Tuesday 31 March 2015

Why Do Christians Believe Jesus is God?

Why do the christians believe that Jesus is god not a Messenger?
Another excellent question. I'll do my best to answer it for you.
First let’s look at how the Qur’an talks about Jesus.
According to the Qur’an, ‘Isa was the Messiah. He was supported by the ‘Holy


Is there an Eternal Hell?

This is from the series of questions I've been getting from a Muslim member of the RevTrev community. So I've answered it differently than a theological debate with Christians. 
Is there an Eternal Hell?
I understand the Muslim definition of Hell is a place of torment and


Are You Quick to Listen?

“Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” �" James 1:19, NIV
I remember when our kids were young it was fun, but not always easy. The time before they could tell us what they wanted was probably the most frustrating...especially when they were crying


Monday 30 March 2015

How To Apply Obscure Bible Passages

How To Apply Obscure Bible Passages
I checked out a link someone sent me on Twitter to help Christians think differently about homosexual activities. It was a repost of an article that went through every obscure Old Testament command and suggested if someone calls homosexuality a sin, then they


Thank you all for praying...

My sister was able to do a blog update today. Thank you all for praying for her.
Here is some of what she wrote...
Although this journey with my health hasn’t been easy, I know without any doubt that I was protected from far more than I experienced. Internally I was a mess, but I


The Love Challenge

The Love Challenge
I’d like to go on a theological walk and see where it leads us, do you want to join me?
When I start the sentence “God is...” how would you finish it?
I wish we were sitting across a coffee table right now because I am very interested in how you’d finish that


RevTrev Reviews Empty Promises by Pete Wilson

I missed the deadline to review Empty Promises by Pete Wilson, but thought I'd do it anyway. Pete is a gifted storyteller who knows how to use application to give the reader a direct reason to consider what he's teaching.
While I was reading it two things came to mind…
1. It's written for


Sunday 29 March 2015

Wounds Well Healed

Wounds Well Healed
It was just over a year ago I was in a church to help launch a 40 day fast from negativity. I was going to explain the concept of “gravitas.” This description comes from M. Craig Barnes “The Pastor as Minor Poet” p. 49
It [gravitas] speaks to a soul that has


Ten Things God Can't Do

10 Things God Can’t Do
Most of you are reading this thinking, “Nothing is impossible with God.” And you’re right. This is more of a clever play on words than a theological treatise. I suppose it would be more fun if I turned this into “Chuck Norris” type list. My favorite Chuck


Saturday 28 March 2015

Ten Things The Devil Can't Do

Ten Things The Devil Can’t Do
Last week I wrote about the Ten Things God Can’t Do  so today I thought we’d look at ten things the devil can’t do.
The devil can’t keep you fearful. Psalm 27:1
[Tweet "The devil can’t keep you fearful. Psalm 27:1 @revtrev"]
The devil can’t


How Can I Develop Better Bible Study Habits?

Here's another question from a RevTrev reader. I may use this to answer a bit more fully in a podcast. 
I would like to get suggestions on how to develop better habits of bible study.
How do you recommend a person get into a routine of digging deeper into scripture so that it has a


Are We Supposed to Live Up to Our Potential?

Are We Supposed to Live Up to Our Potential?
I don’t think I’ve told you about this but the book is with the publisher and it sounds like it’s about to be released so I can let the cat out of the bag...FINALLY! I helped Greg Musselman from Voice of the Martyrs write his book. It


Friday 27 March 2015

RevTrev Reviews The Way Bible

I was able to get an advance reader's copy of The Way NLT from Tyndale House Publishers to review. Here are my thoughts on this edition.
First, what I appreciated.
I personally enjoy the New Living Translation. While I don't really want to review the translation itself, I mention it because


When Your Plans Don't Work Out...

A big welcome to all the new RevTrev Readers this week. In lieu of a full newsletter, I've done up a quick video. Now back to setting up the new site...Have a great week!


40 Things I've Learned in My 40 Years

It's my birthday tomorrow. I'll be 40. I've been thinking I was 40 since I was 32 so it's not like I'm over lamenting my youth…much.
I have been thinking a lot about my dad. My dad died when he was 59 so I have been thinking about what I'd like to accomplish if I only had 19 more years to


Thursday 26 March 2015

I Enjoyed Being Interviewed.... by @MichaelGHolmes

Whenever I ask revtrev readers what they like about RevTrev.com the most often response is "when you interview people".
I like interviewing people and I've ordered some hardware to make it even more fun - yes, it's what I bought with birthday money. I'm so looking forward to doing more


Your Top 20 Posts so far In 2012

Yesterday marked the half way point of 2012. Wow, do I ever still have a lot to do. In the last week we had a flood in our basement. My Cloudserver was blacklisted so all of my emails would end up in spam. My romanian programer hasn't been able to solve an infinite login loop for a really cool


How Much Of Our Lives Can We Automate?

How Much Of Our Lives Can We Automate?
I’ve found a great tool that I was a little intimidated by to use when I first saw it. I learned how other people us it and decided to give it a try. http://ifttt.com is an acronym for If This Then That. You can use it to automate a lot of things online.


Wednesday 25 March 2015

Have You Ever Considered A Daniel Fast?

What is a Daniel Fast?
I've had so many readers ask me about fasting. I have some problems teaching it because people often use fasting to almost bend God to their will. That's really missing the point. We have to fast with the right attitude.
Jesus spoke to His disciples saying..."When you


Don't Use for Death What Was Meant For Life

Don't Use for Death What Was Meant For Life
In the book of Deuteronomy there are three places it says, "Don't boil a young goat in it's mother's milk." It's the start of the Kosher laws that were later developed. People wanted to make sure milk and meat didn't touch. It's so tough living under


God has not forgotten you

God has not forgotten you. I see Pastor Rick at Subscribe to RevTrevTV on YouTube was able to post this video on their YouTube Channel. This message could be for you today. Take some time to be encouraged today.
Subscribe to RevTrevTV on YouTube.
What spoke to you in this message? Is there


Tuesday 24 March 2015

Cursing the Church or Helping It?

I got the chance to interview author Anna Aquino who is author of the book "Cursing the Church or Helping It? Exposing the Spirit of Balaam". It was great to connect with her. Here's the video.


Should I Get New Breast Implants?

This question came from a blog post I did up called Can a Christian Get Breast Implants? I've answered the RevTrev Reader by email, but thought I'd like to here what Cheryl had to say about the question. Here's the video.
View other Counselling Corner Episodes. 
Do you have any other


Should I Get New Breast Implants?

This question came from a blog post I did up called Can a Christian Get Breast Implants? I've answered the RevTrev Reader by email, but thought I'd like to here what Cheryl had to say about the question. Here's the video.
View other Counselling Corner Episodes. 
Do you have any other


Enter to win one of three Closer to the Fire books

You can win one of three Closer to the Fire books for free from RevTrev.com. I'll even take care of the shipping costs to your door.
You can enter as many times as you want, with as many ways as you care to. You can tweet about it, Like it on Facebook, blog about it, Like it on Amazon, or even


Monday 23 March 2015

There is Power in Sharing Testimony

This guest blog post is written by Olawunmi Fajobi read more about her in the bio below. What are your thoughts on Testimony? Share them in the comments.  
There is Power in Sharing Testimony
Lately, it has been difficult for me to keep my lips sealed from the things of God. When He


Never forget - God has not forgotten you

God has not forgotten you!
I preached this sermon at http://YouTube.com/user/revtrevTV in the summer. They were able to post it to YouTube this week and after listening to it, it might be I actually preached it for me for this week. It might be for you too. You can check it out here:


Who should read Closer to the Fire?

This is a continuation of my conversation with Greg Musselman who is the author of . If you haven't entered the contest to win one of three copies of the this book from RevTrev.com what have you been waiting for? Do it here. Do it often. I'll send the book anywhere in the world on my dime.


Sunday 22 March 2015

How can a Christian be depressed?

I talk with Cheryl Shea of http://EdmontonCounsellingServices.com about questions RevTrev Readers have. In this episode of Counselling Corner we talk about Christians being depressed.
Subscribe to RevTrevTV to be notified every time a new episode is syndicated.
What in this video stood out


What God is doing today...

What God is doing today... hear what God is doing today through the love Gary shows others.
Garry Meller of Cyrus Ministries is getting ready to for the Living Out of The Father's Love weekend that's happening at Highway Christian Centre October 26 - 27 If you're not in Edmonton you can


The Scope of Spiritual Authority

The Scope of Spiritual Authority
What would the church look like if more people viewed spiritual authority the way Paul did? He wrote:
So if I boast a little too much about our authority, which the Lord gave us to build you up and not to tear you down, I will not be ashamed of it. 2


Saturday 21 March 2015

Can I mess up too much for God?

We all need to be forgiven at times. It's a great thing to keep in step with the Spirit. But what happens when we stumble and fall? Is it ever too late not to get back up again?
That's the question Cheryl Shea of http://EdmontonCounsellingServices.com talks about in this Counselling Corner


Closer to the Fire Giveaway Winner Chosen!

I sent this email out to the winner of the books this morning.
Thanks so much for promoting Greg Musselman's book "Closer to the Fire" through our contest at RevTrev.com.
You did an awesome job.
So awesome in fact that you've been awarded ALL THREE BOOKS.
That's right. You get one for your


RevTrev News - Why spam filters can be bad for business and life

Welcome to all the new RevTrev Readers. Thank you for signing up for one of my lists. I'm happy to get to know all of you, so respond to this and tell me about yourself. I'm here to encourage, challenge and comfort you as you make your life matter.
Why spam filters can be bad for business


Friday 20 March 2015

How to deal with a difficult friend

We all will have difficult people to love. Here's a question from a RevTrev reader that Cheryl Shea of Edmonton Counselling Services helps to answer.
If this video is not playing watch RevTrevTV watch How to deal with a difficult friend on YouTube.
Subscribe to RevTrevTV on YouTube.
Do you


How the Persecuted Church Expands the Kingdom

I interview Greg Musselman author of the book Closer to the Fire: Lessons from the Persecuted Church about how the persecuted church expands the Kingdom. Find out the difference between discipleship in North America and the persecuted church.
Watch this video on YouTube at: Closer to the


Can Christian Be Married to more than one Spouse?

This question led to some great discussion recently. "Does any religion outright forbid polygamy?" Isaiah 4:1 even says,"And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, 'We will eat our own food and wear our own apparel; Only let us be called by your name, To take away our


When life is a little whacky...

Here's the online version of the newsletter sent out to RevTrev readers today. I'd appreciate your comments for this one...
For your consideration
Something strange has been happening to me. I can't remember when I started to notice it, but now I almost sense it has the potential to develop


Thursday 19 March 2015

How You Can Overcome Addictions

I continue my conversation with Cheryl Shea of http://EdmontonCounsellingServices.com , asking her the questions RevTrev Readers have asked me. In this episode of Counselling Corner Cheryl answers the question "How can I overcome addictions?"
Share this video with people you think it can


Find out why the persecuted church will not retreat

I continue my discussion with Greg Musselman, author of the book RevTrevTV on YouTube and we talk about why the persecuted church doesn't retreat. Those of us in North American have a lot of lessons we can learn from the persecuted church.
Watch RevTrevTV - Why does the persecuted church not


Prison Diaries - A Matter of Time

This is a guest post by . She has a great blog with some encouraging ideas. Feel free to contact her there and leave your comments here. -Trevor
Prison Diaries - A Matter of Time
Time is something we don't have much of in this life. Even though we are living longer, we seem to have less time


Wednesday 18 March 2015

What does the Bible say about loneliness?

I had this question come in and so I started doing some research on the topic. We've all felt loneliness at times. It's great to find out what the Bible has to say. Remember to add your comments to this discussion.
What does the Bible say about loneliness?
I've taken a look


Is it time to start using your authority?

Is it time to start using your authority?
I think it was the last newsletter I wrote about the craziness that had been my life. Thank you to all the readers who responded with advice. It was much appreciated and lined up with what God was trying to tell me.
I'll fill you in on what happened.


Why you don't want to boil a kid in its mother's milk

I have so many people telling me I should be doing up video newsletters that I thought I'd let my readers decide. Have a look at this one I whipped up for this week and let me know what you think.
Watch RevTrevTV - Do you really want to boil a kid in its mother's milk? on YouTube
Subscribe to


Tuesday 17 March 2015

Part 2- Can you can trust the Bible's original documents

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com continues his discussion on "Did God really say?" in this episode examines if we can trust the original documents.


Key 10 to revive your soul through prayer - revelation

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com shares with Harvest Community Church in Beaumont (http://iHarvest.ca) Key 10 to revive your soul through prayer - revelation
His tips...
1. Pray out loud.
2. Pray with others.
3. Pray the Word.


Monday 16 March 2015

7 prayers you can pray for your heart

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com and pastor of http://iHarvest.ca in Beaumont Alberta Canada shares 7 prayers you can pray for your heart.
You can comment on http://revtrev.com/tv/ and upload your own video responses to this.


Part 3 - Can you trust the Bible copies?

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com continues his discussion on "Did God really say?" in this episode he continues to look at if we can trust the original documents.


Part 4 - What are the hidden and secret books?

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com continues his discussion on "Did God really say?" in this episode he talks about the hidden and secret and missing books of the Bible, what they are and how to get them.


Part 5 - How the Bible came to be

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com continues his discussion on "Did God really say?" in this episode he talks about how the Bible came to be.


Sunday 15 March 2015

Part 6 - Can you trust Bible translations?

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com continues his discussion on "Did God really say?" in this episode he says why we can trust the translations...even if we don't agree with all of them.


Part 1 Did God Really Say? - an introduction to the series

I'm beginning a video series called "Did God Really Say?" It's a study on discernment and knowing how to apply it in our lives today.

We start with the topic "Can You Trust the Bible?"

I find the Bible under attack in three main ways, both inside and outside the church. It's a longer


Saturday 14 March 2015

A video interview with award winning author Giselle Aguiar

This is a lost interview I recently found. My apologies to Giselle, even this interview is a little scratchy. You can listen to another interview I did with Giselle here and read a guest post she did for me called Striving for Perfection.

Enjoy. Check out her books and leave your comments


How to know if he's the one

Here's another question from a RevTrev Reader that I had my friend Cheryl of Edmonton Counselling Services help me answer.

How can you know the guy you're dating is the "one"? Well, we get into a bit of discussion about this one. Believe it or not, I am a romantic…I just don't buy into the


Declaration Leads to Truth

This is a guest blog post by Ken Winton. Check out his information below to find out more about him, his ministry and his book below. Do you want to guest blog on RevTrev.com? Find out how here: http://revtrev.com/write-for-revtrev/

Psalms 27 is a song of optimistic hope, well designed for


Friday 13 March 2015

Part 2- Can you can trust the Bible's original documents?

In the second part of "Did God Really Say?" and to be honest, I'm not sure how long it will be. I know I should have close to eighteen 8-18 minute videos done by the end of January, but if you know how I do things, you already know a book is in the works.

We look in this video at the attack


Merry Christmas from RevTrev.com


A message of hope for you this Christmas

A few years ago I wrote this post Looking at the Christmas Stories Through the Eyes of the Authors. This year I put some other thoughts to video.

You can view them all on YouTube. Why don't you like them if you like them and share them if you care?

Christmas according to Luke


Thursday 12 March 2015

Top 5 Countries of RevTrev Readers in 2012

I used to keep a closer eye on where my readers were coming from. It feels like in 2012 I was answering more questions by email from a wider range of people. It was a little shocking to see the stats of where my readers were actually coming from in 2012.

1. United States 56.08%
2. United


Top 10 Most Visited Posts in 2012 on RevTrev.com

These are the most read posts in 2012 on RevTrev.com. I have pages that got more traffic than some of these posts, but traffic to posts are generally organic as people search for the topics on search engines and naturally find their way to the article.

1. 70 Functions of the Holy


How to pray effective prayers


Here's another question from a RevTrev Reader that I had my friend Cheryl of Edmonton Counselling Services help me answer.

My reader asked how to pray effective prayers. Listen to how we answered this question.

Do you have any advice for people wondering about how to have an


Wednesday 11 March 2015

Part 3 - Can you trust the Bible copies?

I'm continuing the series "Did God Really Say". I have a lot of videos to get up for this one…and more on the way. In this video we look at if we can trust the Bible copies. There are more ancient copies of the Bible than any other book from ancient times. The numbers aren't even close. But


Blessing Boundaries Can Be For A Biblical Command

God won’t honor sin.

David said about God:
When you rebuke and discipline anyone for their sin, 
   you consume their wealth like a moth— 
   surely everyone is but a breath.
Psalm 39:11 (New International Version, ©2010)

Could your lack be because of sin in your life? The


Looking behind rarely gets you ahead

In this video newsletter I talk about some of the recent issues with RevTrev.com and my plans for it in the New Year. Your interaction means a lot to me, so ask your questions in the comments below.

Subscribe to RevTrevTV on YouTube

Watch "Be thankful for the last year...but expectant


Tuesday 10 March 2015

Five things you can do to make your digital document viral

We all want our content to be seen by as many people as possible. One way to do this is to create a viral report or book. People get and can give the book away for free, but your information and links are included. Here are some of the things you should consider if you’re using this


How to stop being spiritually attacked


Here's another question from a RevTrev Reader that I had my friend Cheryl of Edmonton Counselling Services help me answer.

In this video we talk about how to stop being spiritually attacked. Cheryl has some great thoughts I didn't consider. You'll want to listen to her


How to overcome habitual sin

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com talks about "In the life you are in, you don't need to sin" and how it applies to habitual sin. Are you living under the law? Are you fighting a zombie? Are you battling demons? Discover solutions for each possibility.


Negativity Fast Training

Thank you for signing up for the 40 daily emails. You'll be getting your first one in a little bit.

Since 2006 I've been helping people to become more positive by giving up negativity. Often this is through encouraging them to do a negativity fast.  Are you wondering how to do a negativity


Monday 9 March 2015

Key 9 to revive your soul through prayer - deliverance

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com tells Harvest Community Church in Beaumont Alberta (http://iharvest.ca) that "In this life that you're in, you don't have to sin" as he shares about Key 9 to revive your soul through prayer - deliverance


Part 4 - What are the hidden and secret books?

You see it regularly on newsstands "Secret/lost/hidden" book of the Bible…" You fill in the blank. It leaves the impression that there was a big conspiracy to leave things out. If you read Dan Brown, you know it makes for a great storyline. But what are these books and why were they left out?


Sunday 8 March 2015

Why Do We See the Wicked Prosper?

Why do we see the wicked prosper? It’s a question we all have.

Because temptation needs to look good we can look around and see people doing evil and living rather well. And we can say like the psalmist in Psalm 73:
Surely God is good to Israel,
to those who are pure in heart.
But as for


Midweek Pastor's Minute for May13 2014 from Trevor Lund

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com is pastor at http://iHarvest.ca and shares about an upcoming video series called Did God Really Say?


How And Why The Bible Is Attacked Outside the Church

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com and pastor of http://iHarvest.ca talks about How And Why The Bible Is Attacked Outside the Church


Saturday 7 March 2015

How And Why The Bible Is Attacked Inside The Church

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com and pastor of http://iHarvest.ca talks about How And Why The Bible Is Attacked Inside The Church


How The Bible Came to Be

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com and pastor of http://iHarvest.ca talks about How The Bible Came to Be


Why You Can Trust The Translations of the Bible

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com and pastor of http://iHarvest.ca talks about Why You Can Trust The Translations of the Bible


Friday 6 March 2015

Pastors Midweek Minute May 20

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com and http://iHarvest.ca shares this week's midweek minute for our church in Beaumont Alberta.

You can find the 70 Functions of the Holy Spirit article here:


Pastor's Midweek Minute for 14 5 27 for our church in Beaumont

Trevor Lund is the pastor of http://iHarvest.ca in Beaumont Alberta and the director of awesomeness at http://RevTrev.com. Here's the midweek minute for the last week of May 2014


Pastor's MidWeek Minute June 3 2014

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com updates the church family at http://iHarvest.ca as to what's coming up


Thursday 5 March 2015

Pastor Trevor's Welcome to Harvest Church Beaumont

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com is the pastor of http://iHarvest.ca and uses video to welcome people to connect with him in Beaumont Alberta Canada.


One Thing No Pastor Will Tell You About Pastoring

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com is pastor of http://iHarvest.ca in Beaumont Alberta Canada. He shares this week's midweek message just before Father's Day, 2014


Answers to prayer you may not know about...

In this week's midweek pastor's minute Trevor Lund of http://iHarvest.ca and http://revtrev.com shares about some amazing answers to prayer we've had at Harvest this week.


Wednesday 4 March 2015

Pastors Midweek Minute for July 9, 2014

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com and pastor of http://iHarvest.ca shares some more thoughts on being together for Glory and the Good news. Join us Sunday's in Beaumont Alberta


This week's Pastor's Minute - 14 7 16PM

Trevor Lund is the pastor at http://iHarvest.ca and the Director of Awesomeness at http://revtrev.com shares a weekly video update with you and his church in Beaumont.


Pastor's Midweek Minute from 14 7 23

Trevor Lund is the pastor at http://iHarvest.ca and the Director of Awesomeness at http://revtrev.com in this midweek minute he updates a few upcoming events for the church in Beaumont.


Tuesday 3 March 2015

Pastor's Midweek Minute for July 29, 2014

Trevor Lund is the pastor of http://iHarvest.ca and the Director of Awesomeness at http://revtrev.com He has some thoughts to share with people about upcoming things to be excited about


5 tips to let prayer prepare you

Trevor Lund of http://revtrev.com and pastor of Harvest Church Beaumont (http://iHarvest.ca) shares 5 tips to let prayer prepare you.

Prayer changes circumstances and people, but don't let that be your only focus. More miracles happen in our lives when we allow prayer to prepare us for what's


Pastors Minute on our responsibilities for our thoughts Aug 12,2014

Trevor Lund is the director of awesomeness at http://revtrev.com and the pastor at http://iHarvest.ca in this pastor's midweek minute he talks about our responsibilities for our thoughts.


Monday 2 March 2015

Things to pray about for the fall to grow and contribute at our church in Beaumont

Trevor Lund is the director of awesomeness at http://revtrev.com and the pastor at http://iHarvest.ca . In this week's Pastor's Minute he talks about what you can pray about how you grow and contribute this fall at our church in Beaumont.


Pastor's Minute - The Retreat Review - August 27, 2014

Trevor Lund is the director of awesomeness at http://revtrev.com and the pastor of http://iHarvest.ca where he helps you grow and contribute because the world needs you. Here's an update of the land.


Our part in God moving suddenly - 14 09 10 Pastor's MInute

Trevor Lund is the director of awesomeness at http://revtrev.com and the pastor at http://iHarvest.ca in this week's pastor's minute he talks about our part in the Suddenlies of God.


Sunday 1 March 2015

Time to inquire of God at our church in Beaumont - 14 9 17

Trevor Lund is the director of awesomeness at http://revtrev.com and the pastor of Harvest Church Beaumont that you can find online at http://iHarvest.ca In this Pastor's Midweek Minute he talks about the fall prayer focus and how we're going to pray.


Pastors Midweek Minute - September 24, 2014

Trevor Lund is the director of awesomeness @ http://revtrev.com and the pastor of Harvest Church Beaumont found online at http://iHarvest.ca in this pastor’s minute he talks about the situation at church this week.


Pastor's Minute - October 1, 2014 - My thoughts on the upcoming options...

Trevor Lund is the director of Awesomeness at http://revtrev.com and the pastor at Harvest Community Church Beaumont online at http://iHarvest.ca In this Pastor's minute he talks about the upcoming decision that needs to be made for our church