This heart reflection helps you align your heart with God’s heart. A reflection is the truth of scripture that’s personalized with a question to help you think about how to apply it. Get the full lesson at #LiveLIGHT #reflection #Peace #Hope
Listen to I align my heart with His heart Reflection
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living LIGHT. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace, and joy and hope at all times in every situation. Get ALL the Courses and ALL the Resources and the Full Live LIGHT Community on Live LIGHT Academy for one low price - Learn more

I align my heart with His heart Reflection
I do what I do with my whole heart and align my heart with His heart. I can engage my whole heart without aligning it with God’s, but He created me to move the rhythm of His beat. I want His heart beating in mine.
Christ is Lord of my attitude. I think about myself the same way Christ Jesus thought of himself. I don’t have to cling to the advantages I have in this life. I set aside my privileges and live a selfless, obedient life to show He is Lord of my attitude.
Christ is Lord of my answer. I am agreeable, sympathetic, loving, compassionate and humble. I bless others and refrain from sharp-tongue sarcasm. I say nothing evil or hurtful. I snub evil and cultivate good. I run after peace because it’s His gift for me. Christ is Lord of my answer.
Christ is Lord of my actions. I do the good I know I ought to do. With heart and soul I’m doing good, I know His work in and through me cannot be stopped. He empowers me to accomplish every good work prompted by faith. Christ is Lord of my actions.
Christ is Lord of all in my life. He is Lord of my heart. Through thick and thin, I keep my heart at attention — aligned with Christ, my Lord.
Reflection Question
Has Christ been Lord of my attitude, answer and action lately?
Can I pray?
Lord, I thank you that we can align our hearts with yours. It is truth. Help us to live out that truth today. We know every knee will bow and every tongue will confess you are Lord. Thank you we can do it willing now and not fearfully later. Be Lord of all today. May it be more than words for us to hear, but may it be the reality of our heart today and always. Amen.
Check out the Live LIGHT with your Whole Heart Course today or learn how to get all the courses and all the resources and the full Live LIGHT Community by checking out the Pathway
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