Here are 4 tips to stop feeling busy. It’s hard to stop being busy. Have your ever tried it? It’s the feeling of busyness that overwhelms us. Today I’ll give you tips to cut it out at the root. Learn more and sign up for our community to help you move from negativity to positivity over Lent #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
Listen to 4 Tips to Stop Feeling Busy on the RevTrev Radio Podcast

Matthew 6:30-33 The Message (MSG) “If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers—most of which are never even seen—don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you? What I’m trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God’s giving. People who don’t know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.
Thoughts on feeling busy
We live in a culture that praises busyness. Have you ever caught your responding to the question “How are you doing?” By saying, “I’m busy”?
I’m not criticizing people who have a lot on the go. It’s the Christian work ethic that has built western civilization. I know we can accomplish a lot a feel satisfied not overwhelmed.
But it’s the feeling of being overwhelmed with busyness I’m going to help you get over today.
You were created to walk with God in garden in the cool of the day. Let’s help you get there today.
4 Tips to stop feeling busy
- Know the root of busyness. It’s shame. Unhealthy competition, keeping up with the Jones, FOMO, saving face, doing what’s expected, following societal norms, “I have to put food on the table”
- Know shame can mask as virtue. We hide it well. Ask Holy Spirit “Why am I feeling busy?” Jesus told us we can’t work for the show or work for the dough. We can hide either well.
- Know the difference between shame and guilt. Guilt is on what we do you leave undone. Shame is on who we are.
- Know how to stop shame as your motivation.
How to stop shame as a motivation
C - Confess
A- Ask
R- Renounce
E - Enjoy
C - Confess the sinful ways you have responded to the shame root in your life.
Heavenly Father, I have used busyness to keep me from feeling shame and in response to the shame I feel by (insert activity). In doing this, I have given other people the right to determine my worth. I have not trusted what you say about me. I ask for your forgiveness for this sinful pattern and receive your forgiveness today. Help me to allow Holy Spirit to heal the root of shame in my life.
A - Ask the Father to remind you of people who have shamed you. Make the choice to forgive them.
Heavenly Father, I choose to forgive people who have shamed me. Specifically I choose to forgive (name the person) for shaming me by (incident). I release them into your hands and bless them in the name of Jesus.
R - Renounce the lies you have come to believe about yourself.
Ask the Father, Son or Spirit to take you back to the place in your past where shame took root. You’ll be brought to a memory.
Describe the situation or picture.
Find where Jesus (or the Father, or the Spirit) is in the memory.
Ask Jesus (or the Father, or the Spirit) the lie you learned from the situation (there can be more than shame).
Renounce the lie(s).
Ask Jesus (or the Father, or the Spirit) what the truth is.
Agree with God and declare the truth.
If you have difficulty with this process get someone with Sozo, Theophostic, or Immanuel training to help you.
E - Enjoy shame-free relationships.
It is only through healthy relationships that the wounds of shame can ever be fully healed. You need to get into life-giving relationships that do not shame you into action or inaction. You need to commit to doing the same for others.
When you’ve been wounded in community you can only be fully healed in community.- Trevorism
Can I pray for you?
Heavenly Father, thank you for being a good father and for taking care of every need. Thank you for providing us with everything we need for life and godliness. Thank you Jesus that we can’t work the show or work for the dough. Thank you Father we can trust you.
Next Step
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Carpe Vitae!
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