The Bible tells us to forgive with our whole heart. What does that mean and how do we do it? Learn in these Tips to Forgive with your whole heart Learn more and sign up for our community to help you move from negativity to positivity #LiveLIGHT #Blessing #Peace #Hope #negativity
Watch 4 Tips to Forgive with your whole heart
Ephesians 4:32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

Thoughts on how to Forgive with you whole heart
We need to forgive with our whole heart.
Your heart is the seat of your decision , the seat of your action AND the seat of your emotion.
So forgiveness is a decision, it’s a choice. You decide to forgive.
And sometimes that’s all you need. For start acting and feeling that you’ve forgiven.
Other times you need to do more than just decide to forgive. You need to put an action to it. Forgiveness is an action. Sometimes that’s as simple as blessing the one who did you wrong.
Jesus taught his disciples:
““But I say to you who listen: Love your enemies, do what is good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If anyone hits you on the cheek, offer the other also. And if anyone takes away your coat, don’t hold back your shirt either. Give to everyone who asks you, and from one who takes your things, don’t ask for them back. Just as you want others to do for you, do the same for them. If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. If you do what is good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. And if you lend to those from whom you expect to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do what is good, and lend, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High. For He is gracious to the ungrateful and evil. Be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.” Luke 6:27-36 HCSB
Paul teaches us:
“If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone. Friends, do not avenge yourselves; instead, leave room for His wrath. For it is written: Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay, says the Lord. But If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink. For in so doing you will be heaping fiery coals on his head. Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.” Romans 12:18-21 HCSB
So blessing is an action that shows forgiveness.
Forgiveness is also an emotion
Sometimes, when you to decide to forgive and then show that you’ve forgiven by blessing the person that did you wrong your feelings fall into line and you begin to feel that you’ve forgiven.
Other times, feeling you’ve forgiven is next to impossible.
But God is God of the impossible and Jesus wouldn’t have told us to forgive from the heart if it wasn’t possible.
You need to follow those feelings of unforgiveness.
What would happen if you chose to forgive? What lie are you believing? Why are you believing that lie. Ask Jesus to show you when that lie became embedded in your understanding. Let him show you the truth of what happened.
This is how you put off bitterness. You learn to forgive others with your whole heart. Use the GRACE to Forgive with your whole Heart Tool.
GRACE to Forgive with your whole heart Tool
G – Get in touch with the emotion
R – Remember when you felt like this before
A – Accept what the feeling reveals
C – Centre in on the truth
E – Examine if the feelings have changed
G – Get in touch with the emotion
How does it make me feel? What comes to mind when I focus on what I’m feeling? When have I felt this way before?
R – Remember when you felt like this before
Is there an earlier emotion? How does that make me feel? Why do I feel that way? Why does believing _______ make me feel _____?
A – Accept what the feeling reveals
Not that it’s true, but does it feel true that _____?
C – Centre in on the truth
What does God say about what I believe?
Lord, what do you want me to know?
E – Examine if the feelings have changed
Does it still feel true that _______?
Does it feel like I’ve forgiven the offence against me?
4 Tips to Forgive with your whole heart
- Know what it means to forgive with your whole heart Matthew 18:35
- Make the decision to Forgive Ephesians 4:32
- Do something to show you’ve forgiven Luke 6:28
- Feel the peace that comes from Forgiving with your whole heart
Lord help us to be quick to forgive and learn how to feel like we have forgiven with our whole heart.
Next Step
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Carpe Vitae!

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