It is essential you live intentional. What does that mean in the Live LIGHT Manifesto? To live intentional means we intentionally live like Jesus. We only do what we see the Father do. We only say what we hear the Father say. Here’s some tips how to do that.

I Live Intentional fearlessly.
Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love. 1 John 4:18

To live intentional fearlessly, we look at what John wrote about perfect love. In context perfect love is complete love.
Perfect love is complete
I need to take the love I’ve received and give it to others for it to cast out fear. It’s only love that’s been given away that casts out fear.
What are you doing pertaining to the issue of fear?
This scripture compels us to serve some body. Stop waiting for another conference or prophetic word or for another stroking of your ego.
At some point we need to stop being impressed with the size of our problem And our deliverance begins when we’re no longer so impressed with the size of our problem that we can actually serve someone
Love has to become practical
Jesus said, come to me all who are weary and I'll give you rest.
If you ever leave prayer and are not refreshed you’ve likely been complaining and not praying.
The whole point of praying is that he takes your heart and you're supposed to gets his. It’s the exchange.
So what does perfect love has with us wanting to live intentional?
To live intentional, we what to be as much like Jesus as we can. He only said what he heard the Father say and only did what he saw the Father do. It’s the same thing that happens with perfect love.
The love I see in the Father, encourages me so I can encourage others to see the love the Father has for them.
I’m keeping in step with the Spirit. Paul says all who do that are children of God.
And perfect love casts out all fear.
Do you live intentional fearlessly?
Do you want to more often live intentional fearlessly?
Coaching can help

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