Have you heard the 12 crazy-days of Christmas? The final verse goes like this.
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me
Twelve dozen cookies
Eleven shoppers fighting
Ten cars a-honking
Nine broken presents Eight bags a-missing
Seven Christmas parties
Six crazy in-laws
Five extra pounds
Four credit cards
Three crying babies
Two missing parts
and a dried brown Christmas tree
We’ve all been there, right? It’s easy for us to get so distracted with the busyness of the season that we forget the real meaning of the season. Thanks for taking this time to focus on the real meaning of Christmas.

The Christmas Story
The Christmas Story comes down to us from antiquity from two main sources. I’m not counting the Armenian Infancy Gospels or the more modern Saint Nicholas folklore.
The Story of Jesus coming to earth as a baby are delivered to us by primarily two of the gospel writers – Matthew and Luke. They give the details. They highlight the fulfilled prophecy. They place the event in world and Jewish history.
But the other two Gospels tell us a lot more about His arrival and purpose than we might otherwise pick up on in either of the main historical accounts.
The beauty of historical accounts show us the authors main focus and main purpose and taking a few posts to look at how each Gospel writer handles the coming of Jesus as a baby reveals their message to their first readers and to us today.
Let’s take a look at how Jesus’ birth is handled in each gospel and find the real meaning of Christmas.
The Story in the Gospels
Each Gospel handles the birth of Jesus a little differently. These differences are meaningful. They are written by different people and for different people, but each give us another reason to fall in love with Jesus all over again.
Over the next four days we'll get ready for the big event by examining the ways each Gospel writer looks at how and why GOD BECAME MAN.
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