In How to be the Answer to Somebody Else’s Prayer, explore an effective way to share your faith with people you don’t know too well. It’s one of the most uncomfortable things to do and can break social mores when it’s not done right. What if we take the pressure off ourselves by focusing on the other? What if we follow Jesus’ example with the Samaritan woman? Learn practical tips for turning conversations to Jesus. Discover how to inspire others and make a positive impact in their lives. Join us on this journey to transform your interactions and witness the power of faith in action.
Trevor H. Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at and the Creative Storyteller at He helps you give thanks with your whole heart Check out for past videos and live casts and to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen. Check out Live LIGHT - Shine Bright at

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Before Jesus ascended to heaven after his resurrection, His disciples wondered if it was going to be then he would fulfil the prophecies about him coming in power. He replied..
He replied, “The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:7-8 NLT
Problem and Answer for Jerusalem
We’ve looked at how we can reach Jerusalem. They are our family and friends who are like family and it’s tough because family and friends who are like family are the ones who know you the best …and that means Jerusalem is the place that will kill you. (Luke 13:33)
- won’t be the first to believe us. John 7:5
- don’t give us the same respect a stranger will. Mark 6:4
- are the ones who know the words that can hurt. John 7:3–5
- are the first to call us crazy. Mark 3:21
- are the ones who question who YOU are and who YOU are becoming. Mark 3:35
Jesus had all these things happen to him, so don’t think it won’t be happening to you. It will. Jerusalem is the place that will kill you.
The good news is that it’s Holy Spirit’s job to preform the Inexplicable Transformation that needs to take place in you to reach those who know you best.
Problem and Answer for Judea
We’ve also looked at how we reach our Judea. That’s people who we like and who like us. It’s tough because Jesus warned that some will judge you, hate you, persecute you and call you names. The good news is Holy Spirit will give you the words to say at the right time. And he told us to use Counterintuitive Reciprocity and to let them serve you and as you go (in the day-to-day of your every day) to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons and raise the dead.
It’s never only up to you. It’s only up to you to keep in step with Holy Spirit.
Problem and Answer for the ends of the Earth
We also looked at how to reach the ends of the earth. And this isn’t easy, it’s tough. Almost every one of the Apostles died going into all the world. But the good news is Hope is seen in hurt. God’s strategy is for us to have Unconquerable Hope. Peter told the scattered church that in your heart set apart Christ as Lord, always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have, but do this with gentleness and respect. People will see your hope and ask about your hope and that’s an open door to tell them about Jesus who is your hope.
Problem and Answer for Samaria
Today we’re going to take another look at how to reach the ones we are not naturally connected to. Our Samaria. They are people who don’t know you to like you. We’re not in the same social groups or ethnic groups, or religious group or political group or gender group or married group, or generational group or…. We might not self-identify like they do. They are outside our personal circles. And they are people Jesus loves.
Jesus died for them like He died for you.
If you thought the first three were tough, this one is going to make you uncomfortable… but it’s worth it. You can be the answer to somebody else’s prayer.
Can I pray?
Defining Samaria
If Jerusalem is where we are home and Judea is the place we’re the most comfortable, Samaria is the place Jesus takes us where we are not the most comfortable.
That’s the not so good news.
Jesus will take us to the place we’re not the most comfortable.
Following Jesus is not easy. If anyone has told you it is easy they’re either ignorant or lying.
Jesus said:
Luke 9:23-26 NLT Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but are yourself lost or destroyed? If anyone is ashamed of me and my message, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in his glory and in the glory of the Father and the holy angels.
He also said
John 15:18-20 NLT “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you. Do you remember what I told you? ‘A slave is not greater than the master.’ Since they persecuted me, naturally they will persecute you
He also said
Luke 14:26-27 NASB “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.
So what made you think he wouldn’t take you where you not comfortable?
What makes you think your comfort is any of his concern?
I realize this is not good news.
And yet it is good news. Because Jesus loves you just the way you are and He loves you too much to let you stay that way.
Yes, you are - with Holy Spirit’s help - His witness to your family and friends who are like family.
Yes, you are - with Holy Spirit’s help - His witness to where you are most comfortable.
And yes, you are - with Holy Spirit’s help - His witness to people you’re not really that comfortable around. But remember You can be the answer to somebody else’s prayer.
The amazing thing is it was in Samaria that Jesus said:
John 4:35 -38 NLT Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”
You can be the answer to somebody else’s prayer.
Sometimes we plant, sometimes we water, sometimes we harvest. God is one who brings the increase (1 Corinthians 3:6-9). When we plant, water and see the harvest it’s awesome. We rejoice with all the angels in heaven. (Luke 15:10) It’s glorious. When we reap where we didn’t plant or water, it’s awe-inspiring and humbling. Whenever we see we’re the answer to somebody else’s prayer it’s awesome!
Story about reaping where I didn’t sow.
My first church fasted and prayed for three days to bring in a new year. I had been there 3 years as the ‘youth guy’. The first year I was pastor I wanted a reason to go without food for the first three days of the year.
I decided we would have cards where people could put prayer requests - specifically anyone you were praying for salvation, put them on the list and we’d fast and pray for them.
For the three days we’d meet at 6:00 AM and 7:00 PM to pray and we’d pray through the cards. (By September that year everyone we prayed for became a Christian or returned to church).
The last day I had a thought “When was the last time I personally led someone to Christ?” It had been a while, but I wrapped that thought up with a prayer and forgot about it.
An Answer to the prayer came and I missed it
Later that afternoon I got a call from the Remand Centre. It was someone saying “I need someone tell me about Jesus.” I was clueless. I figured he wanted me to smuggle something in or smuggle something out or put some money in his folder or something.
This wasn’t my first trip to the Remand Centre. I knew the con by now. But I booked a spot and was able to get in that afternoon. It was the oddest conversation.
He was asking me about Jesus and I was telling him why I couldn’t be conned. “This will not get you a reduced sentence.” “I will not talk to the judge and say that you’ve changed. I just met you.” “You just can’t become a Christian and have everything you’ve done go away.”
I realized I was an answer to his prayer
But he wanted Jesus, so I told him “Pray this prayer”…and he did…and Holy Spirit showed up and the atmosphere changed. I remembered, this is what I prayed for and so casually forgot about.
This guy wanted to make things right, so he confessed to crimes he did that he wasn’t even charged with. I visited him in every jail he served time in and just about every hospital in Edmonton. He had a hard life. He radically, totally and completely changed. It was humbling and amazing.
God will take us to places we’re not the most comfortable with to meet people he loved and died for… because he wants you to be the answer to somebody else’s prayer.
Jesus did this with His Disciples.
He took them to Samaria
We have two relative references to Samaria. One is in the book of John 4:4-42 and the other is Acts 8. Acts 8 is an interesting study. But for our discussion today, let’s focus on Jesus and the woman at the well.
Encourage you to to Read John 4:4-42 on your own.
11 Observations from John 4:4-42
- Be Willing to Go Where We Might Otherwise Avoid (John 4:4)
- May Need Initiate Conversation (John 4:7)
- We Need To Acknowledge Common Humanity (John 4:9) People are people.
- Should Offer Something of Value (John 4:10)
- When We Can We Can Engage in Deeper Discussion (John 4:11-15)
- We Should Always Listen to Understand Their Story (John 4:16-17)
- The Supernatural helps (John 4:18) Romans 15:19 - With the power of signs and wonders from Jerusalem to Illyricum Paul fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ
- Should Address Spiritual Needs (John 4:19-24)
- Need to Strategically Share Your Own Experience (John 4:25-26)
- We Can Expect Others to Share with Their Community (John 4:28-30)
- It’s Fun to Recognize their Transformation (John 4:39-42)
I’m not going to use that as a step-by-step instruction. The problem about step-by-step instructions is you can get lost when someone misses a step. Don’t worry I have a tool that you can remember that will help.
But let’s start with considering
Who might be the ones who you’re not the most comfortable with?
Maybe it’s social-economic? Are you not the most comfortable around successful people? Or maybe you’re not the most comfortable around people who don’t have much?
Maybe it’s religious lines you don’t want to cross? Are you not the most comfortable around people of different faith or no faith?
Maybe it’s generational gaps? Are you not the most comfortable around people younger or older than you?
Maybe it’s behavioural? Are you not the most comfortable around people who practice what you know is sin?
Maybe it’s cognitive? Are you not the most comfortable with people who don’t think the same way do you?
Other? Is Holy Spirit highlighting a specific group?
I don’t think any of us are comfortable with everyone all the time. I believe there are people we just don’t feel comfortable around and are not the most comfortable getting to know them.
I’m not suggesting you put yourself in harms way. I’m not saying you have to hang around violent, angry people when they are violent and angry.
I am saying you need to have eyes to see, ears to hear and hands to do what Holy Spirit is leading you to do
He has a harvest for you to reap that you never sowed or watered. You can be the answer to somebody else’s prayer.
Does this really matter?
When I was a young pastor I became convinced that no one came to Jesus without someone praying for them to come. This was when we had fasted and prayed for people we had been praying for. It was amazing the connections God has intentionally woven around some people.
I had this guy from the community show up at my office and he asked me to tell him about religion.
It didn’t take too long until he said the prayer. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. There was no convincing, it was revelation. He was quiet, but it was meaningful for him. I know because I handed him the Kleenex box.
Looking for an answer for who prayed
Then I got curious about his story and told him “someone must have been praying for you”.
But it wasn’t his parents or grandparents. He had never gone to Sunday School and couldn’t remember any teacher being a Christian. As far as he knew he was the only member of his family or friends who had ever come in the doors of a church. He had no clue who was praying for him. It was a bit of a head scratcher.
A few week’s later I was walking to do a visit with one of the older ladies who came to our church. She lived in the neighbourhood, so I just walked. I was walking through her condo parking lot and someone waved me down.
My surprised answer
He asked “Are the the pastor of the church at the top of the hill?” I was surprised because I had never seen the church as on top of hill. But I agreed I was. “Is..” He said the guys name who showed up at the office “…attending your church”. When I said he was, this man followed up, “Something has changed in him. He’s smiling and happy. What’s changed?”
Now at this moment, I didn’t know if I was going to have another person to tell about Jesus or what was going on, so I tentatively asked, “Why do you ask?”
“Well, I’ve been praying for him every day for five years and I think he found Jesus.”
“You’re the one!” I exclaimed “I knew it!” and we had a party in the parking lot.
You can be the answer to somebody else’s prayer.
I don’t believe anyone comes to Christ with somebody praying for them. They do the hard work. They put in the effort. You get to reap when you didn’t sow. And it’s wonderful.
And your prayers are being heard. Your prayers are not forgotten. Your prayers will be answered. And it might be someone who sees you’re loved ones as their Samaria who answer the call to go where they’re not the most comfortable to reach those they might otherwise reach.
Kids buying house story.
Jesus told his disciples to pray for workers for the harvest and then sent them out to harvest. I used to think that meant “If you’re going to pray God’s will is done, you better be prepared to see God’s will done.”
We all have a role in the harvest. We need to plant and water and sometimes harvest what’s nearest and dearest to us, but then go to harvest where God takes you where you might not be the most comfortable at.
So pray for the harvest, plant and water your harvest, then go to harvest where God takes you to harvest where you haven’t planted. Because you can be the answer to somebody else’s prayer.
And when God takes you to harvest where you haven’t planted, speak LIFE to the them.
How do you speak LIFE?
That’s a great question. I’m so glad you asked.
I’ve come up with a tool to help.
How to speak LIFE Tool
To speak LIFE, trust has to be has to be earned. Sometimes circumstances circumvent the typical way trust is earned. Covid example.
Trust can be earned…
Consistency over time
Compassion in tragedy
Camaraderie in teamwork
Connection in synergy
Convergence of testimony
Careful entrusting of self
Careful entrusting of truth
The How to Speak LIFE Tool can be used for on ongoing conversation or when there’s that Connection in Synergy.
L - Let compassion lead Matthew 9:36-38
I - Ignore any agenda Proverbs 18:13
F - Figure out how to introduce truth Proverbs 20:5
E - Employ the Supernatural 1 Corinthians 12:7
Let’s unpack this…
L - Let compassion lead
Matthew 9:36-38 NLT When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.”
Needs to be done in love. People feel when you treat them like a project.
Don’t turn off your compassion. Look for His compassion. Let compassion lead you. It will take you to harvest where you haven’t planted or watered. It won’t be comfortable, but it will be worth it. You can be the answer to somebody else’s prayer.
How do you follow your compassion? Compassion pushes us past our discomfort. If you’ve ignored it in the past you may have turned it off. You can get it back through confession and repentance.
Pray a prayer like this:
“Lord, I know I’ve turned off my compassion, because I don’t feel it anymore. I want to be led by it and you. Please renew a right spirit within me.”
Where does my compassion lead me?
So you’ve been led by compassion to someone you may not be the most comfortable with. It’s awesome. Don’t try to be anyone you’re not. Don’t get lost on yourself - it’s not about you it’s about the person in front of you and Holy Spirit around you. So remember - Ignore your agenda.
I - Ignore any agenda
Proverbs 18:13 NLT Spouting off before listening to the facts is both shameful and foolish.
Listen to understand not to be understood. Ask clarifying questions.
Listen to what they entrust to you. Understand they are trusting you with it. Count it a privilege and treat them with honour.
Listen to what Holy Spirit is saying. What does He love about them? How does He want you to share that with them?
Do I listen to both the person and Holy Spirit?
You also need to listen for what’s common in all of us. Listen for the broken-ness. When you are led by compassion, you’re going to naturally agree with them whatever they share is terrible. I’ll show you how you may be able to turn that conversation to talk about Jesus… you’ll nee to figure out how to introduce truth.
F - Figure out how to introduce truth
Proverbs 20:5 NASB A plan in the heart of a person is like deep water, But a person of understanding draws it out.
When you hear the broken-ness, the wounds, the pain and you’ve naturally agreed with them that it’s terrible, what you need to do is drop a pebble in a pond.
What do I mean by that?
An answer for the metaphor “A Pebble in a Pond”
When I was a kid, and I came across a smooth body of water. Who are we kidding, I still do this today. When I come across a pond or a lake that is perfectly still, I have a need to see the ripples from a rock in it.
You toss a pebble in a pond and see the ripples reach the shore.
Think of that metaphor when I say, when someone trusts you with their pain, mourn with them, then drop a pebble in a pond and say something like “It’s not supposed to be like that.”
An Answer for what to do with a ripple
The ripples that come back may be, “Well how is it supposed to be” or “Then why is like that?”
If those ripples come back, you can easily talk about what it was like when God created everything and how sin came into the world and wrecked everything, but that Jesus came to made a way for us to right with God and right with each other and tells us to proclaim and show His Kingdom.
Or…and be ready for this
Or there might not be any ripples at all. What you’ve done is planted a seed or watered something that may have already been planted. You leave that with Holy Spirit.
Your role is to drop a pebble in a pond not a boulder in the bathtub.
A boulder is the bathtub is—without knowing what they believe—saying something like “Well, God is sovereign” There’s a lot of knowledge needed before that statement makes sense and brings comfort.
Drop a pebble in a pond, not a boulder in the bathtub.
Do a drop a pebble in the pond or a boulder in a bathtub?
So what do you do if the ripples don’t come back or they’re not interested in hearing the good news? Don’t worry - God has your back.
You’ve dropped a pebble in the pond and maybe they responded and you’ve become an answer to someone else’s prayer. Or maybe there was no response or a negative response when you told them about Jesus. What do you do in either case - Let them know Jesus loves them.
E - Employ the Supernatural
1 Corinthians 12:7 NLT A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.
Let them know Jesus loves them. Use words of knowledge, prophecy, gifts of healing. Or maybe it’s the gift of encouragement to let them know they are loved.
Gifts of the Spirit are manifestations of the Spirit. A manifestation makes something clear.
Don’t be so religious with these. No “Thus sayeth the Lord” if you prophesy. Speak words of edification, exhortation and comfort naturally, without performance.
Understand that the supernatural can speed up and increase the level of trust… or shut it down. It will shut them down if it’s too spooking for them.
The better question to ask is Holy Spirit:
How can I show them Jesus?
It could be a cup of cold water or might be shelter from the storm. It could be mourning with them. If this becomes an ongoing discussion or if this is the last time you see them this side of heaven, let them know in some tangible way that Jesus sees them and loves them.
L - Let compassion lead Matthew 9:36-38 Where does my compassion lead me?
I - Ignore any agenda Proverbs 18:13 Do I listen to both the person and Holy Spirit?
F - Figure out how to introduce truth Proverbs 20:5 Do a drop a pebble in the pond or a boulder in a bathtub?
E - Employ the Supernatural 1 Corinthians 12:7 How can I show them Jesus?
Enjoy being the answer to someone else’s prayer and reaping where you haven’t sown.
Final Challenge Answer
What if you don’t have anyone who doesn’t know you to like like you?
That’s a great question and I have tool for you. We’ve done it before as a church, but it’s been a while. It’s something we can do anytime. It focuses on Holy Spirit and relies on His gifts for power.
The Treasure Hunt
I’ve included a Treasure Map with instructions that you can use. Basic instructions are this:
- You can go alone, but it’s best with friends. Usually three of you is enough.
- Spend time in God’s presence, filling out your treasure map.
- Use your map. Keep it handy. People will point out how you’re their treasure.
- Leave them knowing Jesus loves them - pray for healing, speak out prophetic words, use words of knowledge.
You will be reaping where you haven’t sown.
I can give you more training if you’d like. Go to and download a short book Treasure Hunting 101 along with a treasure map to replicate and use.
In conclusion
It might be a person in your neighbourhood, or someone at your workplace. Could it be someone on the bus you see on a regular basis, or someone you see when you go for walks?
Maybe your compassion is ignited remembering doing treasure hunts in the past, you can use this time to fill out your map.
Who will God have you reach that you may not be the most comfortable reaching?
Can I pray for Answers?
Holy Spirit come. Teach us all truth. Show us who you want to reach or pray for. Give us a glimpse of what you want to do in and through us. Give us your compassion. Help us be the answer to somebody else’s prayer.
Wait on Holy Spirit
Where does my compassion lead me?
Need Answers - Next Steps
Move from guilt about not actively sharing your faith to effortlessly sharing Jesus' grace always.

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