Holy Spirit is very God. And there is always more to learn and experience about God. Learn more and check out the links of all the discussion on Holy Spirit on RevTrev.com.
Trevor H. Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at https://livelight.ca and the Chief Storyteller at https://revtrev.com. Subscribe and set notifications on YouTube at https://revtrev.com/tv and visit https://revtrev.com/radio to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen.

Weekend discussion
"Last weekend someone asked me, 'Why don’t pastors seem to do sermons on the Holy Spirit anymore?'” I was a little shocked. My response was “You haven’t been listening to my podcast?” I felt I’ve always talking about Holy Spirit and His work in my life.
So as we talked, every question that came up I looked for teaching I had on it. I’m not saying it’s all complete-after all, we’re talking about God-but I think this is a good start on it.
I also realized I’ve never created a resource with everything I’ve taught on Holy Spirit, so I decided I should do this up. I will update this post over time. For now let’s start with an understanding with How Holy Spirit works in the Bible. This is from the Bible Project on YouTube.
Understand How Holy Spirit Works in the Bible
Transcript of video
The transcript is a discussion about the Holy Spirit, starting with the term's introduction and its significance in the Bible. It begins by explaining that to understand the Holy Spirit, one must start from the very beginning of the Bible. God's spirit hovers over the chaotic, uncreated world, ready to bring life, order, and beauty.
The video introduces and explains "ruach," the Hebrew word for spirit. It can mean wind, breath, or spirit, emphasizing the concept of invisible energy that is powerful and life-sustaining. This term, used in the Bible, describes God's personal presence, which, like wind and breath, is invisible yet vital and powerful.
The narrative continues by showing how God's ruach empowers individuals throughout the Bible. For instance, Joseph has the ability to interpret dreams, and Bezalel has artistic wisdom and skills. God's spirit empowers the prophets to perceive and communicate God's perspective on historical events.
The prophets also foresee a future where God's spirit will transform human hearts, enabling people to love God and others genuinely. This transformation links to Jesus arriving, as the Holy Spirit descends upon him at his baptism, marking the start of a new creation.
Jesus' ministry, his healing, and forgiveness acts demonstrate God's spirit bringing life where there was once death. Even after Jesus' death, the spirit raises him from the dead, marking the beginning of a new creation that continues as Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit onto his disciples.
In conclusion, the Holy Spirit continues to be active today, guiding people towards Jesus, transforming, and empowering them to love God and others. The Christian hope is that the spirit will complete the work, culminating in a new humanity living in a world filled with God's love and life-giving spirit. The Bible Project aims to explore such biblical themes through their videos, available for free on YouTube.
What I’ve Taught on Holy Spirit
Check out my messages and blog posts on Holy Spirit. I’ll keep this updated. Let me know if there is a specific topic you want covered in the comments.
- How to know and experience more of our triune God today https://revtrev.com/living-light/trinity-essential/
- Is Spiritual Growth is on your vision board? https://revtrev.com/living-light/is-spiritual-growth-on-your-vision-board/
- How to be confident you’re being led from Holy Spirit https://revtrev.com/living-light/be-confident-led-holy-spirit/
- God is with us will I be with Him? https://revtrev.com/living-light/god-is-always-with-us-will-i-be-with-him/
- How to understand and and enjoy the Gifts God has for you Today https://revtrev.com/message/how-to-understand-and-enjoy-the-gifts-god-has-for-you-today/
- Buying the Holy Spirit https://revtrev.com/live-intentional/buying-holy-spirit/
- How to Release the gift of words of wisdom https://revtrev.com/livecasts/how-to-release-the-gift-of-words-of-wisdom/
- 70 Functions of the Holy Spirit https://revtrev.com/live-light/70-functions-of-the-holy-spirit/
- How can I Receive the Holy Spirit https://revtrev.com/live-today/how-can-i-receive-the-holy-spirit/
- 3 ways to know it’s the Holy Spirit Speaking https://revtrev.com/live-hopeful/3-ways-to-know-its-the-spirit-speaking/
- How to let the Fruit of Holy Spirit Transform you https://revtrev.com/living-light/how-to-let-the-fruit-of-holy-spirit-transform-you/
- 5 things to know about Spiritual Growth https://revtrev.com/livecasts/5-things-to-never-forget-about-spiritual-growth/
- 11 ways the Holy Spirit Speaks to you https://revtrev.com/live-today/11-ways-the-spirit-speaks-to-you/
- Do Spirit-Filled Believers Leak the Spirit? https://revtrev.com/live-today/do-spirit-filled-believers-leak-the-spirit/
- How to use God’s Gifts for Another https://revtrev.com/living-light/how-to-use-gods-gifts-for-one-another/
- I build myself up reflection https://revtrev.com/livecasts/day-42-i-build-myself-up-reflection-livecast/
- 4 Tips I’ve learned To Hear the Spirit Speak https://revtrev.com/live-intentional/4-tips-ive-learned-to-hear-the-spirit-speak/
As I’ve stated above, this list will keep on growing. If you have a topic about the Holy Spirit you’d like covered, tell me in the comments or contact me.
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