Today's Negativity Fast Tip. Deepen your understanding with 4 pivotal questions about negativity fasts—gain insight for a positive life shift!
Trevor Lund has helped over 10,000 people fast from negativity since 2006. Check out all the tips and tools to fast from negativity Join the negativity fast at and find out how to Live LIGHT Above the Negativity

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The verse that I'm going for here is from Peterson's Transliteration of Galatians 5:26-27. He says, "Since this is the life you have chosen, the life of the spirit, let's make sure we don't hold it as an idea in our head or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its implications into every area of our life. That means we'll not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better or another one was worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our time. Each of us is an original. Live creatively, friends.”
Where the Live LIGHT Negativity Fast Came from
The idea I had for a negativity fast, it came to me one day at church. A friend of mine came up and said she had this vision of a huge wave of negativity crashing into the city and specifically the church. My response was, "Go tell the pastor," because I wasn't the pastor at the time. During the service, this thought came to my head: A negativity fast. What if we did a negativity fast?
So after the service, I went up to the pastor. I said, "Listen, I got this thought. What if..." I know what she's told. I think she was talking to him at the time. And when I came up and I said, "Listen, I had this thought during the service. What if we did a negativity fast?" I could maybe do up devotionals, write up 40 a piece of devotionals and send those out and encourage people to watch our thoughts, watch our attitudes, watch our actions. And he was like, "Yeah, go for it, Trevor."
And so I think I wrote those 40 emails in two weeks, I think. It was really quick. It all came together and we did the first thing. And the amazing thing happened. I had it up on the website.
How did the negativity fast grow to over 10,000 people?
And unbeknownst to me, Oprah Winfrey, like back in 2006, she still had her show, right? She was encouraging people to do a negativity fast. I just noticed all of these hits coming to my site, and I was trying to figure out why. So I did a Google search. And my site and Steve Backland from—I think he's still down in Bethel Church—but he's been doing a negativity fast and positivity feast for probably as long as I have. But him and I were ahead of Oprah.
And so I contacted him and said, "Listen, man, this is awesome. We've got two spots, and I don't know about you, but I am connecting with all kinds of people, and it's awesome." And so we've stayed in touch over the years, but more so, I'm just watching what he's doing, and he's got some really good stuff going on.
1. What does a negativity fast mean?
But the first question is, what does it mean to fast from negativity? A lot of pastor friends I have are taken aback that people can fast from negativity; shouldn't they not be negative all the time? And it's like, you know, think of it like when in Canada, the government has these periodic "Bring in your illegal weapons." And people bring in their illegal weapons, and they don't get charged; just get these weapons off the streets, hopefully. Same thing. We're giving ourselves permission to address the elephant in the room, okay? Christians are some of the most negative people in the world, and it's brutal. It should not be that way.
When you squeeze a lemon, you get lemonade and when you squeeze an orange, you get orange juice; so when you squeeze a Christian, you should get Christ. But most times, our experience is you get anything but. To fast from negativity means you take every word, thought, and action to make it obedient to Christ. It's a matter of controlling what comes into your mind and out of your mouth—40 days of being more like Jesus.
2. What is the hardest thing about a negativity fast?
Next question: What's the hardest thing about fasting from negativity? I am continually shocked. Whenever I do a negativity fast, I'll always get emails from people saying, "I just can't give up negativity right now." If you get to that point, you really should because, man, you were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day—you weren't created to mess around in the mud, okay?
The hardest part is to rise above your experience in your current mess and realize Holy spirit empowers you to accomplish every good work prompted by faith. Things happen to press your buttons. And so that's the hardest thing. It is never a "Oh, I forgot I was fasting from negativity." It is—you'll be given every opportunity to choose to be negative when you start fasting from negativity.
3. What is the best tip to fast from negativity?
Best tip for fasting from negativity: do it together. If you can do it as part of a church group or as part of your own private Facebook group—great! If you join and get the 46 emails and reflections, you also have access to our LiveLight community. It's a private group on Facebook, and we'd love to have you join us there. It's a realm of positivity. It is just a wonderful group to be encouraged and to encourage others.
4. What can you do to help to always stay positive?
The final question is one that I was thinking about: What's something I can do to always stay positive? And because when you do a negativity fast, you are going to be given every opportunity to choose to be negative. The one thing that I've learned is gratitude is a game changer. Gratitude is a game changer. Basically, you've got to do it with your whole heart. So you need to choose to have gratitude, you need to have an action to that gratitude. Sometimes it's like writing in a journal. Notice the Live Like Gratitude journal over my left shoulder. You choose to feel grateful, you choose gratefulness, you feel gratitude, and then you do something about it, like you write it down or you do something to bless somebody or to encourage somebody. And you can show appreciation to someone. That's a great way to get gratitude to rise up. Gratitude is a game changer when it comes in life, but especially when we are fasting from negativity.
Next Steps
Live LIGHT Negativity Fast - Move from toxic negativity to life-giving positivity with 47 days of reflections and Devotional and Community.
Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course - Move from being easily regularly frustrated, usually feeling busy, often afraid or easily angered to having peace at all times and in every situation.
Live LIGHT Tips and Tools to fast from Negativity - Are you looking to make a difference in the attitudes and actions in your everyday world? Get these Tips and Tools to help you Fast from Negativity
Carpe Vitae!

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