Are you feeling busy? Make time for this short read to learn the source of feeling busy and how you can get a lot done without feeling busy in the process. The ARC Team (Advanced Readers Copy Team) is taking applications now.

Live LIGHT - Don't have time to be busy
Learn how to get a lot done without feeling overwhelmed
You probably have a lot on the go. You live in a world that rewards the hustle. You are probably part of a church that sees being busy as a sign of meaningful contribution.
What if you can get a lot done and show an admirable Christian work ethic - so others see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven - without ever feeling overwhelmed with busyness?
It is possible for you.
The feeling of busyness comes from the lies of the enemy. When you replace the lies you believe with the truth God gives you, transformation is effortless and busyness decreases, so you can still get a lot done without the overwhelm. It also helps to know how to do everything as unto the Lord.
Learn how to root out the lies of the enemy and not work for the dough or work for the show or work for the worry or work for the hurry.
Carpe Vitae - Seize the life!

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