Gratitude is so important to help us stop the worrying we do. Find out why in this lesson and tool.
Are you someone who worries or maybe you're a recovering worrier? Maybe there's someone in your everyday world who worries and their worries worry you? I know, it gets complicated. It is possible to more-easily STOP the Worry...and gratitude is so important for us to stop our worrying. Learn more and download at

STOP the Worry Tool
Download this tool for free at
S - Shift to the truth God cares for you
T - Think about what you think about
O - Offer your problems for His peace
P - Pledge gratitude in all things
S - Shift to the truth God cares for you
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. 1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)
It starts with knowing you have a good Father who cares for you. Never be so impressed by the size of your problem that you’re not overwhelmed by the love and care of your good Father.
Do I live knowing you care about me?
T - Think about what you think about
Don’t worry about anything.... Philippians 4:6 (NLT)
Don’t try to stop worrying. How can you stop thinking about something by thinking about not thinking about it? All you end up doing is to put condemnation on yourself when you start to worry. Instead learn to take those worries and immediately turn them into breath prayers. If the need more prayer focus, tell them “not now” and get to them when you make time for focussed prayer.
Do I turn worries into breath prayers?
O - Offer your problems for His peace
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.... Philippians 4:6 (NLT)
Keep your worries for your prayer time. If you find yourself worried or fearful in the day, put it off until your prayer time. You can train yourself to put off those thoughts until later.
Do I exchange my problems for your peace?
P - Pledge gratitude in all things
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)
What Happens When We’re Not Thankful? see Romans 1:21 When we’re not thankful we can begin to think up foolish ideas about God...we let our experience become our theology. If we’re not thankful we can start to think up foolish ideas of what God is like and we can’t cast on cares on Him because we don’t believe He cares for us.
Am I grateful in all things?
5 things you can do to help grow in gratitude
1. Sign up for the free 5-day Gratitude Challenge
2. Take the Live LIGHT Happier Mini-course
3. What Most People Won’t Tell You About Gratitude ebook AND Live LIGHT Gratitude Reflection
4. Look inside and get the Live LIGHT Gratitude Journal
5. Discover the Live LIGHT Gratitude Reflections book and learn more
Keep reading on Gratitude
How to make your life better with a gratitude challenge
Want an amazing Gratitude Journal? Let me send you mine
3 Things you can do to be more grateful this Thanksgiving
5 things you can do to feel gratitude in troubling times
7 Reasons Gratitude Benefits You
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