There are two things I’ve learned about Community that I never want to NOT live out. We all need them in every life-giving community we’re in.
I so enjoy seeing shoulders go back and smiles come to faces when I can honestly tell people who I enjoy being around, “You make my life better just being the you that you are.”
We need each other. We need real community. We need life-giving community.

Two things I’ve learned about Community that I never want to NOT live out
There are two things I’ve learned about community over the past year of extended isolation that I never want to not live out. They are two things that all of us need to learn how to do it right, regardless of whatever comes our way.
- How do we always encourage each other towards love and good deeds?
- How do we continually use our freedom to serve others in love?
Why do we meet together in community?
The reason we’re told not to forsake the meeting together is so we can encourage each other towards love and good deeds. When you can’t meet together, how do you encourage each other towards love and good deeds? You and Holy Spirit need to figure that out together.
What’s freedom in community?
We have been given freedom and that freedom is so we can serve each other in love. What does love look like when you can’t give physical hugs or lay hands on the sick and see them recover? You and Holy Spirit need to figure that out together.
I know we can also work this out together. I know we can have a life-giving community.
I’ve tried to create one on different platforms and with different tools. And the two things I’ve needed to overcome are technology and informational overwhelm. I think I’ve worked both of those out.
It can’t be about information. Information is only as good as the transformation it helps facilitate. Transformation is the work of the Holy Spirit. It happens when we move from order to disorder to reorder. It happens best in a life-giving community.
What would it be like to be in life-giving community where you’re celebrated and not just tolerated?
What would it be like to know you’re on a path that moves you from busyness to blessing, frustration to fulfillment and from miracles done TO you to miracles done THROUGH you?
What would it be like to experience peace at all times in every situation? And have people who know how to help you get it back when you misplace it.
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take His yoke that is easy and burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living light. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace at all times and in every situation.
Can we walk this path together? Contact me through messenger or or wait for the next live cast to learn more.
Can I pray for you?
Lord, I don’t know what everyone is going through. I do know you never intended them to go through it alone. I thank you that you are with us through every storm of life and I know there are some days we all need to see you with flesh on. Thank you for the encouragement we all ready get from so many. Thank you we all know we’re blessed as we bless others and refreshed as we refresh others. Be with each one. Amen
Carpe Vitae!
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