My name is Trevor Lund and I am your host inside Live LIGHT friends.
You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came to took you place and offered you his yoke that is easy and his burden that is light. You’re a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living light, will you live LIGHT?
I want to welcome you to this amazing group and let you know what we’re all about. I say this is an amazing group because what people share, what they comment and how they react is almost 100% encouraging. And that’s what is so important for us.
1. Live LIGHT Friends is a #NegativityFreeZone
So try to only share things that is for the building up of others.
2. Live LIGHT Friends is a #RealmOfEncouragement
That means in what you share, how you comment and how you react it should not be for your own interest, but it’s also in the interest of others.
To Live LIGHT means we Live Loved radically, Live Intentional fearlessly, Live Generous Joyfully, Live Hopeful Trustfully and Live Today Mindfully.
If your image, if your blog post, if your podcast, if your sermon, if your video, if your…creative offering encourages people to live loved, intentional, generous, hopeful or today PLEASE SHARE and encourage others.
Seek to be a blessing and you’ll be blessed.
Come here to be blessed and be a blessing.
If what you post is not to build others up, know it will probably be ignored and might be removed.
3. Live LIGHT Friends is an #OpenCommunity
It means is we are public group so you can share whatever you want to encourage your friends and family with from our group.
It means we have people who aren’t Christian and a huge variety of a multitude of Christian streams - so no denominational soapboxes please
It means we have people from every conceivable political stripe - so no political soapboxes please
It means we have people from all around the world - no local events or local, regional or national politics - no local soapboxes please
We are here to encourage and build each other up. The more you refresh others the more you yourself will be refreshed. So refresh others in your reactions, comments and with what you share.
Thank you for being part of this amazing community and
Carpe Vitae - Seize the life!
Join us inside Live LIGHT Friends on Facebook at

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