How do strengthen yourself in the Lord? Since hope is a process, you better know how to do it. Learn how you can strengthen yourself in the Lord today.

David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God. v.6
How do you strengthen yourself in the Lord?
When I was in seminary, I often told pentecostal jokes. I figured it was the group I grew up in, so we’re the only ones I should probably poke fun at. Apparently some people didn’t’ know that about me.
One day I came back into the class with a fresh cup of coffee before the break was over. There was a group in the back corner and I went to see what was going on. One of the guys turned to me and said, “Can you believe these guys still think tongues is still a gift for today?”
“Hey me too!” I laughed, then challenged “How do you strengthen yourself in the Lord?”
I don’t know if I ever talked to that guy again.
But it’s a good question.
How do you strengthen yourself in the Lord?
If you want to #CopeWithHope you need to know how you can. Think about doing something daily, or even several times a day.
The Bible gives us more ways than just speaking in tongues.
You can do this yourself through:
- praise and joy;
- the Word;
- waiting expectantly on the Lord and
- praying in the Spirit.
You can get encouragement from others through life-giving relationships.
How do you strengthen yourself in the Lord? Do you have a go-to Rhythm?
Tell me in the comments.
Live LIGHT Rhythm coaching is my group coaching program. Learn more about today at
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