Is doing right better than simply knowing right? Knowledge can puff us up, but love will build us up.
Doing right is better than simply knowing right.
Now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them. John 13:17

Is it more important for us to be doing right than to simply know what right?
I think the statement “You know more than you do” is sadly ironic in a couple of stages in Christian journey.
New people on the journey often think they don’t know enough. It’s those of us further ahead in the journey’s fault they think that way. We’ve failed to impress on them that it is Holy Spirit who teaches them all things and will remind them of what Jesus taught His disciples. Holy Spirit is God and God is enough.
I’ve often said if I can teach someone to hear God and obey God, I know they’ll go far in their Christian walk. That tool and that decision will protect them, empower them, and transform them.
Sadly too many people - who have been Christians for a lot longer - never learned or implemented that tool and that decision. How do I know? Because in much of the western world Christianity is irrelevant. We got that way because we haven’t listened and/or obeyed God.
“You know more than you do” should be a statement with a bit of sting for those of us who have been along the way a bit longer. We’ve been so good at learning knowledge. We’ve emphasized “the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ”.
But that knowledge- His knowledge - was designed to be put into action.
Don’t believe me?
Do you know you spouse loves you by what they say or by what they say AND what they do?
The school our kids went to does service trips every year and every year Hindu and Muslim parents send their kids on these service trips. On these service trips the kids share the love of Jesus. The world needs more Hindu and Muslim kids sharing the love of Jesus. They may not “know” in that they accept and come to Jesus as their Lord, but they know just enough to love in His name.
I’ve found more people catch the Kingdom by living out the Kingdom than catch the Kingdom by learning knowledge about the Kingdom. So I celebrate when people practice most of the 10 commandments because even most of us Christians ignore the Sabbath one. I know as they live the Kingdom they are so much more open to becoming part of the Kingdom.
Isn’t that what we’re all to be about - our Father’s business?
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